

Consultations run for up to 90 minutes, giving you freedom to choose how much time you would like to spend with me. Consultations will be available over Zoom, or phone with details made available the day of booking. Cancellations cannot be made within the 24hr period before booked consultation.

Consultations can cover a variety of needs as my expertise is diverse and multifaceted. Together we may explore:

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • The Infradian Cycle

  • Fertility Awareness Method

  • Taoist & Tantric Philosophy and Practice

  • Yoni Steaming

thirty minutes $55 - sixty minutes $90 - ninety minutes $120 -

thirty minutes $55 - sixty minutes $90 - ninety minutes $120 -

Book an appointment.

Please note, that I have upcoming courses which cover all of these subjects in depth, consider if singular courses are the best option if you desire continued education within these subjects.